Board minutes (Zoom meeting) – 06.07.2020
Minutes from meeting held 30.6.20 - Approved by: DL Seconded by: DW
Discussion took place between all present into the preparing / reopening of public toilets on the island. As per Government guidelines and NAC advice – unmanned public toilets are Phase 4 and we are at present still in Phase 3. NAC believe we could be looking at after schools return before we reach Phase 4. They will keep in touch with JW and provide guidance in relation to what is required before the facilities can be re-opened – risk assessment etc.
JW asked by Board to speak with All Kleen re. possible rolling cleaning contract. Graeme Smith re. plumbing requirement prior to re-opening. Doug McArthur re. electrical requirements prior to re-opening and Fulton Love (Calcluth & Sangster), re. insurance cover in place. Looking at opening 3 public toilet blocks: Cumbrae Slip. Croc Rock and West Bay.
Enquiry received by business-woman in relation to Fintry Bay Toilet Block and the taking over and maintaining of said facility. JW to speak with NAC in regards to this matter.
JW to speak with Graham Wallace in his capacity as member of MSG to see if any HIE funding could be released to support the re-opening and maintaining of the public toilet blocks in light of Covid 19 and the additional costs involved. Including requirements such as provision of wall mounted hand sanitizers, electrostatic cleaner, PPE etc.
JW will also price an electrostatic sprayer for use in the sterilizing of holiday apartments after cleaning at Board’s request.
JW discussed with Board the adaptations required to bring our public toilets up to being more of a ‘hands-free’ zone, i.e. motion sensor taps, toilet flush, hand dryers etc. – This will be hugely expensive and financial assistance will be required. JW to apply for funding where possible.
Discussion took place with those present in relation to the hourly rate for someone cleaning public toilets and holiday apartments.
JW to work with BC in store at 8 Quayhead to create easier access and order and BC to wash down close and make temporary repairs to walls where required. No time prior to re-opening of apartments to repaint the close again and signage to be put up apologising to MHAL clients.
JW to organise thank you gifts for Rena and team re. the upgrading of apartments.
There being no further business the meeting closed 7.45pm