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CCDC MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING 13/9/22 – meeting opened 19:00


Present: Jan Wilkie (JW), Thomas Stevenson (TSLS), Doug Laidlaw (DL), David Williamson (DW), Jensen Newton (JN), Deborah Ferris (DF), Stephen Dobbin (SD), Andrew Joyce (AJ),

 David Stevenson (DS)


Guests – Anna Philbrick (AP) & Victoria Mackay (VM), Community Energy Scotland


Community Energy Scotland


West Lodge

Motorhome site

Island Pit Stops

EV charging points



Flexible Working Policy


DW approved previous meeting (28/6/22) minutes, DL seconded.




Victoria Mackay provided background for the Board’s benefit regarding CES’s aims, plan and timeframe regarding Cumbrae becoming a Carbon Neutral Island. There will be a meeting of various North Ayrshire island community groups at a later date – JW invited to attend as CCDC’s representative.

Discussion of who to perhaps contact to fulfil the CES plan. And whether to even volunteer CCDC services in the plan. JW reminded board about previous contact with Arran EcoSavvy & the carbon audit contractors who previously conducted a carbon audit earlier in the year – Adler & Allan.

DW would prefer to contact professionals with background in area. Feeling among the board that they would like CCDC to be supported by other groups on the island, who could bring their own expertise to the table. Additionally CCDC would need more staff to be brought on to take this forward if funding available.




JW updated the board on an email received from North Ayrshire Council (NAC) confirming no fees to be charged for mooring hire as of 31/8/22.

NAC are renewing their contract with the moorings laying company. A new agreement between NAC and CCDC is to be discussed going forward. Due to flood protection it is possible only 6 new moorings if any are to be laid in 2023. This is to be confirmed and NAC will be in touch to update the Board.




JW updated the board on the clearing of the two West lodge offices.

Energise company looking at both offices and interested in new area in the courtyard (ex-archives)

JN discussed prior issues preventing relocating radio into the archive area – lack of toilet facilities in particular were prohibitively complex to resolve.

DW viewed West Lodge as better location for Energise due to improved privacy and no need to perform expensive retrofits to allow for water supply.

JW informed the board about other parties interested in renting a unit off the Courtyard – JW to take forward these enquiries.





Motorhome staffing – Alex’s hours being seasonal, will be 3hrs Sat & 3hrs Sun as of 31st Oct. The Board were happy to pay him call-out fees as required due to him responding to the out-of-hours phone.

Board okay with ordering new metal signage disallowing disposal of waste and taking on of water by non-patrons, to replace current laminated paper signs, as a more permanent and weather-resistant solution.

JW informed the board of recent feedback from patrons. Suggestions included sink for cold water dishwashing & relocating the Marquee.

Noted both. No definite decision made.

Sandra Newlands has contacted CCDC regarding booking motorhome site for her group’s           New Year’s event – unfortunately cancelled but will be in touch regarding regular summer booking.




NAC has not yet been in contact regarding their planned investment for creation of “Island pit stops” on Arran & Cumbrae, and what that means in relation to current public toilet facilities available on Cumbrae.




JW asked if any board members available to attend meeting with Pure Energy & HIE to discuss the charge points installation at a later date. DW, DL (possibly) able to attend.

AJ raised concerns over location (Dance Hall area) preventing future expansion of CCDC operations. Board agreed to discuss again at a later date after meeting with Pure Energy.




JW asked for a final decision on the previously informally discussed price increase for 2023.
Board say yes.

DW suggests 5-10% increase.

Unanimous agreement on 10%.

Decision made – prices 10% up from the start of Jan 2023.


Jura apartment – JW has received revised quote about shower room.

JW asks if the Board would rather get a full price for complete bathroom refit or just replace the shower unit?

SD & DW prefer get a full price + enquire about water heater replacements.




JW explained to the Board that funding would not be available from HIE without a FWP in place – CCDC Board understand that due to our small staff, flexible working policy options are limited in practice. However, a FWP will be put in place and all effort made to work with employees to achieve it where applicable.



CCDC meeting closed 20:00.

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...working for and with the people of the Island of Great Cumbrae

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