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Minutes of CCDC Board meeting, 13th December 2022, opened 19:00

Present: Dave Williamson DW, Deborah Ferris DF, Stephen Dobbin SD, Jensen Newton JN, David Stevenson DS, Doug Laidlaw DL, Jan Wilkie JW, Thomas Stevenson TSLS


Previous meeting’s minutes approved by DS and seconded by DW.



West Lodge

Radio Station

Lodge Vinyl Flooring

Marina Development

Car Parking

Gillespie & Anderson


DA/Dance Halls

Flexible Working Policy

GH Repairs


West Lodge
The dampness at the south end of the main corridor has been assessed by Angus Middleton of Dampness & Decay and he has confirmed that the issue is external. – Repointing of the stonework is required with lime mortar to rectify the issue internally.

- Board happy to get a price from Paul about repointing in the new year?

Yes from all.


Radio Station

Alan Cawley has enquired as to the possibility of the Radio Station relocating to the back space of the archives.
JN – issue is access to toilets


However, after a meeting with Alan Hill and JW on Monday afternoon, Alan suggested that it was better to keep the Courtyard as retail units only and asked if there was another space within West Lodge. JW explained that there is another party interested in the Radio Station space if they relocated elsewhere within the lodge. Board thoughts?

JN will mention it to radio operators and have a look at the space himself.

DW thinks keeping the courtyard space for retail is a good point.
Board view is to assess it later


Lodge Vinyl Flooring

JW has spoken with Jack Thomson in relation to vinyl flooring being laid on top of the carpet tiles currently in situ. Though this was proposed by the ‘to be tenants’ Jack does not recommend this as he says the vinyl will go bumpy after a time. His opinion is that it is better to lift the carpet tiles and then put the vinyl down.

Are the Board happy to advise them about that or allow them to do their own thing?

The Board would like JW to advise them to follow Jack’s instructions.


Marina Development

DS and JW met with Kathleen Dow for an update in relation to the moorings and Marina Development. Kathleen explained that as the Flood Defence Project develops, NAC will look at the relocation of the buoys and the removal of some, specifically those south of the pier.

JW proposed and DS and Kathleen agreed that we arrange, in the new year for an informal chat with members of the Harbour Users Group in relation to the operating model to be adopted for the Marina. NAC are keen that the role is taken on by CCDC, with additional staffing employed. Discussion continued to the possibility of an ‘arm’ of CCDC – a small committee, purely to deal with the Marina development, is set up. DW would agree with that, a secondary or subcommittee to be selected to represent CCDC

Board happy to have follow-up meeting later with the marina group to determine course of action and discuss what is expected of a subcommittee?
DW, DS in favour

DS – keep in mind this is not a CCDC venture, it is North Ayrshire asking a community group take charge of it

DW – insists that it is best that CCDC is comfortable and fully understands how the structure in place will operate

SD – best the board be under no illusion that NAC will be wanting CCDC to be the controlling organisation, even if at arms length

Look at a meeting Jan/Feb, take from there


Car Parking

DW and JW met with John Riggins of CCC to pick up on previous discussions with CCC and them progressing with the application for a by-law preventing motorhomes / caravans parking on the Shore Road. John is planning to schedule a meeting regarding this with Councillors Murdoch and Marshall and will get back to us after this has taken place.
DW interested to see how the council meeting later develops.

DL – we have done our part of the bargain, take it from there


Gillespie & Anderson

SD and JW had their annual audit meeting with Alastair Stewart of G&A and they are very happy with CCDC financial position at present. Some paperwork emailed out to SD & DS to be signed electronically by them.

Further discussion held on the director positions for CCDC and MHAL with regards to reviewing how directors are assigned.



Board happy with the new housekeeping job advent going out in the New Year as opposed to over the festive period.


DA/Dance Halls
JW added that when Alan Hill was in the office on Monday 12/12/22, they discussed the possible development on the site of the current Old Dance Hall and DA Hall. JW can confirm following an enquiry from an island business that there is interest in development of the Dance Hall footprint.

Alan can also see outlets with perhaps a smokery selling locally caught fish, shellfish etc., and other outlets, a courtyard in the middle and an indoor play area and gym with shower and toilet facilities – available for access by our motorhome site users – would be amazing and a huge asset to Cumbrae and generator of jobs. So much so, he plans a meeting with us, Sarah Baird and others form NAC to look at how this could be taken forward.




Flexible working policy

The policy which was sent out by email to the Board on 13/12/22, has been revised and sent to HIE for feedback. The policy is now therefore complete. JW explained if that was the case she was happy to share it with our employees.

Unanimous decision to bring it to employees.


GH repairs project

JW reports from HIE funding meeting held on a Teams call. Unfortunately they can’t confirm funding support figures until HES have confirmed where they are in relation to our application with them.

Fortunately sooner than was intimated HES’s District Surveyor has got back to us and agreed with all ZM proposals for the work required/listed in the Arch 1 report. A site visit has now been scheduled for Tuesday 24th January at which Steven Scott the HES funding manager, HES District Surveyor, representative from ZM, DW & JW will be present.




CCDC meeting closed 19:44



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