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Minutes of Committee Meeting




Meeting Chaired by: Jan Wilkie (JW)
Also Present: David Stevenson (DS), Deborah Ferris (DF), Doug Laidlaw (DL), David Williamson (DW), Stephen Dobbin (SD), Andrew Joyce (AJ), Thomas S L Stevenson (TSLS).
Minutes taken by: Thomas S L Stevenson



  1. Previous Minutes approval

  2. Garrison House and Grounds

  3. Public Toilets

  4. Community Groups

  5. MHAL

  6. GMS

  7. DEG

  8. AGM


Minutes of meeting held 25/1/22 agreed as a correct record of the meeting. Approved by DS, seconded by AJ.


JW mentioned awaiting feedback from HES district surveyor in relation to the Garrison House.
Greener Communities Fund will be contacting CCDC in one month as to the success of the funding application regarding Garrison windows.
The Board discussed sourcing a company for window repairs. It was put forward that the tradesmen working on the Town Hall (Blair’s) could be contacted. JW to follow up.
Board elected to hold off on painting Garrison windows (ground floor) as a start date for the Garrison House project will hopefully be known soon.



Board discussed disseminating reports to demonstrate continuing community development.
Town Hall event in GH grounds; Board happy for this to go ahead.
Discussed renting the Drop-In Centre for an event April; Board happy with charge of £5 per hour as previous.
Discussed the Marquee being booked for an event in June. Board happy with this to go ahead; costs to be discussed at a later date.
The board were notified of the Emergency Services day being moved to 11/9/22.

Board discussed having the Marquee cleaned before the first booking. The motion was brought up to have a revised quote for said cleaning this year. Motion carried.

DW proposed prompting other organisations re: Platinum Jubilee celebrations. SD proposed CCDC set up a gathering of local volunteers to organise something. Board elected to reach out to other local organisations w/ regards to their plans; with the possibility of the Garrison House providing facilities/catering/etc should they require it. JW to contact.

Craft fairs to be organised once more following COVID lockdown; the prices for tables to be increased to £15.



The Board discussed enquiries for office space for rent in the West Lodge by members of the public.
There was further discussion regarding the sourcing of a container to be acquired and moved for CCDC use. AJ to make enquiries.
The board discussed cleaning out Michael’s old office and making it presentable to be rented out.



The Board agreed that the installation of either a fence or stone markers along the access road off College St. was necessary. It was decided that stone markers were the preferred option due to reduced costs.
The Board discussed the fitting of the water supply for the craft shop. JW informed that she was still waiting on quote for this and would update the Board when it was available.
The Board agreed to allow storage of wooden pallets by the Country Music Festival organisers on Garrison House grounds provided that the area was fenced off.
AJ to source a notice board for within the Garrison House.
It was agreed that Alex McGarvie be moved up to full-time on weekends.
The Board were notified of the artwork display in the Garrison House as of the first week of March.
The Board discussed the CCDC’s operation of the Marina, further details to be discussed at a dedicated meeting later this year.



The Board were informed that JW had contacted CMAL for an update re: planned improvements to the Cumbrae Slip, including toilet facilities. CMAL hope to schedule a meeting soon or in the near future for discussion with stakeholders.
JW to meet with North Ayrshire Council to discuss further the CAT re: Croc Rock, Cumbrae Slip, Fintry Bay.
There was extensive discussion on the Fintry Bay toilets. The Board were informed that the quote for water supply would be at minimum £75,000. DS and AJ were of the opinion that mains water could be piped from the Kerr’s ground at a reduced cost of £30,000 but this was considered still an extreme expense.
It was proposed that the existing water system at Fintry could be repaired with funding from CCDC; DS explained that this was not possible due to modifications by the current owners. He went on to say that the pump would need to be completely replaced and refitted. DS to speak to the Fintry Bay owners regarding this.

The Board discussed and agreed upon the posting of an advertisement for a toilet tender locally only, offering a 2-year contract as opposed to 1 year.



General discussion on renewed Community Garden lease. Consensus reached on all matters. Lease to be signed March 2022.



Final draft confirmed by both parties to be signed off in due course.



Consensus was reached on a leaving gift for Bob Campbell (henceforth BC) and the price thereof.
The Board agreed upon the posting of an advertisement for a replacement housekeeper for the apartments but deferred decision on the salary for the moment. All Kleen company to take over BC’s duties in the interim.
BC has offered to be available in order to facilitate the handover to the new housekeeper upon their appointment. Board agreed.



The meeting regarding feedback had by JW, DL, DW & TSLS was discussed. TSLS to type up condensed copy of agreed 3 year plan and present it to the Board.
The Board discussed an increase in the price of renting at the motorhome site; it was agreed through majority vote that the price be increased to £18 from the 1st of April with a view to increasing it further to £20 following the completion of tangible changes to the site.
A flyer design was selected by the Board from the number submitted by TSLS previously. This design was to be printed by Mapes of Millport, initial order 100; flyers to be distributed to the Calmac office, Mapes of Millport and other businesses on Cumbrae along with the Garrison House itself.
The Board discussed the purchasing of a lawnmower for use at the motorhome site; DS and AJ to provide specific quotes for such although both estimated it would be in the region of £800 for one of sufficient quality for the operational tempo required. DS to provide the model number of suitable lawnmower.



JW brought to the Board’s attention the possibility of applying for funding from the DEG; with the view to paying for the training of TSLS to design websites, thus allowing CCDC to have their online presence brought up-to-date via an in-house employee rather than outside contractors.


8) AGM

The Board discussed the need for new applicants to the Board and elected to more strongly advertise this need in the town and at the AGM.
It was proposed that the 6 year term limit on Directors be removed due to the lack of applicants and the need for the company to continue functioning (due to the inevitable collapse should 6 directors immediately resign). It was decided that this and other discussion centred around the Directors’ posts themselves be postponed until a meeting next week.

It was finally decided that there would be a further meeting regarding the AGM next Tuesday via online video call.







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...working for and with the people of the Island of Great Cumbrae

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