Minutes of Committee Meeting
Tuesday 23rd November 2021
1. Note /minute taker
2. Previous minutes approval
3. Garrison House and grounds
4. Public Toilets
Due to coronavirus restrictions this meeting was held via ZOOM.
Attendees: DF / DS / SD / DW & JW
1. Note minute taker
David Williamson offered to be note /minute taker for meeting
2. Previous meeting Minutes
Minutes of meeting held 12.10.21 Approved by DS and Seconded by DL
3a) Community Garden Lease
Discussions continue with preparation of the new lease, which F Duff & Co., drafting on our behalf.
b) Café Lease
Discussions ongoing and F Duff & Co., drafting a new lease on our behalf.
c) Courtyard Units
Enquiries to be made / quotes sort, if possible, to install a sink and water supply to old Craft Shop unit.
JW has been in discussion with NAC regarding the possibility of relocating the Museum Archives into the main building of Garrison House and the creating of one/two additional courtyard units for rental in the future.
d) MMRC Huts
Water ingress is occurring in these huts and JW requested Derek Hagan Joinery assess the situation and get back to her with options open.
Derek’s recommendation was to take off both roofs, lose the curve and sky light (improve internal lighting as a result of loss of light, if deemed necessary), and replace with a tin roof. Consideration to be given to the covering of huts with tarpaulin in the interim if this can be sourced and carried out. The huts have been up for 20 years and have housed the railway for 10/12 years approx. Discussions to take place with MMRC Committee and all options to be considered in relation to costs etc.
e) Yuletide
Enquiry received from Cumbrae Crafts about the possibility of a few Craft Tables being available over the yuletide celebrations within Garrison House.
Awaiting confirmation as to whether the Café will be open for the switching on, of the Garrison House lights by Santa and a Panto at the DA Hall. Craft shop may consider being open too.
f) DIC kitchen area
Moira Hodge – Guides, spoke with JW about the possibility of us, together, applying for funding for the upgrading of the kitchen area in the DIC. Board happy for this to happen and JW sent a link which may offer possible funding for her to consider and get back to JW to take forward.
g) Motorhome Site improvements
A suggestion from JT was put to the Board by JW to gradually upgrade/replace the wooden edges which mark the bays with kerbstones, which would withstand vehicles driving over them. This would be an ongoing job spread over 2 – 3 years, digging trenches and cementing kerbstones in place. The investment in the purchase of a cement mixer was proposed and DS to research and provide a link to allow JW to order.
h) Interviews
Having vetted the applications submitted for the part time administrator role, based at Garrison House, the date of 30.11.21 was confirmed for interviews and there were three candidates invited to attend. DW and JW to conduct the interview process. Due to the Xmas break and staff holidays, it was proposed to set a start date of 10th January 2022, and this was approved by the Board.