Minutes of Committee Meeting
Tuesday 25th January 2022
1. Note /minute taker
2. Previous minutes approval
3. Garrison House and grounds
4. AGM
Due to coronavirus restrictions this meeting was held via ZOOM
Attendees: DF / DS / SD / DL / AJ / DW & JW
1. Note/minute taker
David Williamson offered to be note /minute taker for meeting
2. Previous meeting Minutes
Minutes of meeting held 13.12.21 approved by DL and seconded by AJ
3a) Minute Taker
DW proposed that Lewis (LS) take on the role of minute taker for future meetings. Other directors happy with this proposal and JW to speak with LS and report back to the Board.
b) Ross Newton’s Lease
A review of Ross Newton’s lease was concluded and JW to contact Ross to finalise details and update paperwork accordingly.
c) Garrison House Cafe Lease
The Board finalised matters in relation to the Café Lease and this is to be shared with Lynne & Kenny w/c 7th February 2022 for approval.
d) Model Railway Huts
Further discussion took place in relation to the options open to CCDC regarding the repairs required to the roofs of both huts. MMRC have been informed of the expected costs of such repairs, JW having received a requested quote from Derek Hagan Joinery Services. It is to be noted that sadly, due to material costs, these figures will increase before work commences.
MMRC have requested that a meeting be held in February. Date to be confirmed.
e) Community Gardens Lease
The Board finalised matters in relation to the new lease being drawn up for CCDC by F Duff & Co., including length of lease / specific conditions / matter of assets / arrangements for emergency access should it be deemed necessary etc. This information to be relayed to Alan Hill by JW.
JW to liaise with Community Garden Committee with any assistance required as they take on the new lease.
f) Old Clinic
JW informed the Board that she had received a further enquiry into the purchase of the Old Clinic. The proposal being for the building to be demolished and a new structure erected, sympathetic to the surroundings. The Boards decision, at present, was to inform the enquirer that this was not something they would be considering right now.
g) Lewis Stevenson
JW informed the Board that Lewis was settling into his role well and was working on Motorhome bookings and looking at a 3-year plan for improvements which could be made to the site. This is based on feedback received since the site opened and which Lewis will present to DW & DL initially – hopefully during February/early March. Lewis is also working on the development of our new Motorhome Booking System, our holiday let bookings and dealing with cash payments received at our Croc Rock Public Toilet facility.
h) IT / Office Equipment
JW passed onto the Board a suggestion received from Largs Computers to ‘review’ our computer systems which in turn would be more cost effective going forward. Board were happy for JW to get an idea of the cost involved.
JW also informed the Board of issues with the HP Colour Laser Jet printer we have. Issue to be monitored, with a view to a potential trade in or a replacement of the equipment.
i) ADT
JW informed the Board that ADT had conducted their annual service of the fire system within Garrison House. The engineer advised that the batteries within the two fire panels we have, be replaced and that four sensors, due to their age, should also be replaced. Total cost we are looking at is £1037.36 (inc. vat). The Board were happy for this to be carried out and JW to arrange with ADT.
The Board agreed on a proposed date of Thursday, 10th March 2022 at 6pm., in the DA Hall, for our AGM. JW to submit an online booking application to NAC Commercial Facilities, subject to the restrictions and guidelines which NAC have in place.
JW let those present know that our Visit Scotland Quality Assurance Assessment in relation to our holiday apartments had taken place over Zoom this year and a copy of the information provided had already been shared with SD & DW and was available for all directors.
JW shared the main points, they being, that four of our apartments are very close to being of a standard which would take them from their current 2* quality assurance rating to a 3* rating. Those apartments being Islay, Jura, Spoig and Gigha. JW then provided the board with the information on how this could be achieved. Suggestions made by the assessor being upgrading of kitchen cupboard doors, splashbacks at work tops and upgrading of said worktops also, the upgrading of appliances and crockery etc. Shower rooms would also benefit from upgrading. – Jura had been scheduled for a complete shower room upgrading but this had been put on hold during Covid and we await a revised quote from the contactor involved before proceeding.
JW explained to the Board that she had updated the Visit Scotland Assessor on the work which has been carried out since their last ‘in person visit,’ that being the treating and painting of the close at 8 Quayhead and the planned work to the external walls before spring. Also, the upgrading of furnishings which has taken place since their last visit.
The assessor was happy with the work which has taken place and understood that, especially when the new licences come in to play, profits available for upgrading the properties will be greatly reduced.
Those present then reviewed the matter of the installation of Wi-Fi in the apartments. JW explained that in advance of these discussions she had contacted our current provider at Garrison House for a quote which she shared with the Board. The feeling was this figure was too high. SD and DF offered to try out their mobile hot spots within 8 Quayhead to see if it were felt that ‘booster boxes’ could be used within this building to improve the signal, which would reduce the cost going forward.
SD also proposed that we make an addition to our MHAL Feedback Forms which our clients complete. That being, their thoughts on the knocking of two of the apartments at 8 Quayhead, into one larger apartment. JW to action this.
JW updated the Board in relation to painting and maintenance at the apartments. The painting of the external walls of 8 Quayhead is now scheduled to begin at the end of the month, weather permitting, and any additional work required to the internal walls and close floor, to be addressed.
Painting of all apartments, internally, is now complete and BC is impressed with the standard of work.