Board minutes (Zoom meeting) – 25.06.2020
Present: SD, DF, DW, DL & JW
MHAL Director – R Mc joined MHAL as per a discussion which took place after our Open Meeting to help out due to low director numbers in the interim. Rena’s appointment was recorded on Companies House on 11.3.20
Business Plan – JW to speak with Stephen Rieley NAC to see if we can get an additional 2 day’s support from Liz Metin re. our Business Plan. Will need re-drafted due to Covid 19.
Public Toilet blocks - to open in line with NAC opening those in Largs. Only to open: Croc Rock, Cumbrae Slip (consider Fintry when have update from Scottish Water and let Fintry owners know).
Garrison House toilets – DW to check if they need to open on 6th July when Café opens the Courtyard or does it wait until 15th July when GH is expected to open. DW will speak with other island businesses with outdoor space. Awaiting guidance from Scottish Gov. and NAC re public toilets. Suggested signage – please wash your hands before and after entering the toilets / social distance where possible etc..
Staff – to be reviewed in relation to the public toilets and MHAL.
R Mc informed the board that she has reached the decision to stand down from the CCDC board and JW removed her as a director on 21.6.20.
In respect to MHAL, JW will continue to liaise with Rena in relation to ongoing upgrading in MHAL and in regards to the Calor Crowdfunding Campaign. R Mc to update the Board in relation to her position on the MHAL Board going forward
There being no further business, Zoom meeting closed at 8.15pm