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PRESENT: Jan Wilkie JW, Doug Laidlaw DL, Dave Williamson DW, Stephen Dobbin SD, Thomas SL Stevenson TSLS, Deborah Ferris DF, David Stevenson DS


APOLOGIES: Jensen Newton JN




MINUTES FROM MEETING HELD ON 17TH MAY 2022                                                   APPROVED BY: Deborah Ferris DF AND SECONDED BY: David Williamson DW


Building Repairs

Public Toilets

Cumbrae Wave



Pathways Grant
Meeting closed.





The Board were informed by JW that the meeting with Greg McKenzie of NHS Ayrshire & Arran Health Board went well, and Greg was in agreement that it was best to wait until spring for commencement of work rather than a staggered approach which could lead to more

disruption to NHS staff and patients.


JW also updated the Board on where we were in relation to our Kelburn Windfarm Application and confirmed that awards were to be announced in July 2022.

JW also provided an update on her meeting with Liz Metin regarding other funding opportunities including National Heritage Funding, Pilgrim Trust, and FCC Scottish Action Fund amongst others. More research to be carried out, to see if we match the criteria required.





The Board discussed the matter of vandalism at our toilet blocks, primarily at Croc Rock. It was agreed that information would be displayed at all sites reminding the public of the background to how CCDC took on the running and maintaining of the Public Toilet facilities on Cumbrae, from North Ayrshire Council in 2017

The information would include the matter of how important these facilities are on an island which relies heavily on tourism, therefore the idea of having no toilet facilities for the daily visitors, walkers, cyclists, and holiday makers who visit the island on a regular basis was unthinkable.        As well as there being no provision for members of our own community.

Finally, information would be provided relating to the running costs of these facilities – their cleaning & maintenance costs of £25,000 per annum. Hence, the reasoning behind the installation of coin & card pay facilities, possible through funding secured and already installed at three toilet blocks to date.                                                                                                                                

CCDC fully understand that this was an additional expense for its users however without this financial income it will become untenable for CCDC to continue to operate these facilities.


The Board also voted in favour of security cameras being sited at the Croc Rock block, to discourage vandalism.                                                                                                                        DW suggested fitting a cage over them, to prevent damages.


JW also asked the Board if they were happy to proceed with the wall mounting, at Croc Rock, of male & female silhouettes so that, to visitors to the island, it was visible from a distance that       Croc Rock was a Public Toilet Block? The Board were happy with this and JW to arrange.


Feedback from NAC was shared with the Board regarding Todd Ferguson’s post about the public toilets on Cumbrae. NAC, provided they can secure funding, are looking to support CCDC with improvements to the public toilets.


The Board discussed CalMac’s proposal of a contribution towards costs of £1200 per year to CCDC for provision of keys to the toilets at Cumbrae Slip for their staff use. DF to follow up on this.






The Board were updated on JW and DW’s meeting with Cumbrae Wave committee member     Carol Campbell and their Development Officer Julie Armenaud, regarding the development of the site where the DA Hall and Old Dance Hall are currently located and also, regarding the possible relocation of funds which were awarded to Cumbrae Wave for the employment of Julie as their DO but funds which are not all exhausted.

JW made the Board aware that Cumbrae Wave were scheduled to hold a meeting with NAC in the near future and would update CCDC as and when their enquiries bore fruit.





The Board were informed by JW that she still awaits an update re cost for the installation of an additional meter(s) in relation to the site but will update the Board once the information is to hand.


The Board were updated on Sandra Newlands’ motorhome meet being considered for over the    New Year period. Sandra has enquired as to the availability of the Drop-in Centre to allow all ‘meet members’ to gather on New Year’s Day between 8pm & 1am. The Board were happy to consider this once more information was provided.




Discussion took place on recent input from the MHAL housekeeper regarding hours allotment weekdays and weekends.


Further discussion took place regarding the key safes which are installed at most apartments, but which have not been utilised. The Board decided to discuss further over the autumn-winter period, if their use, was felt, as being of benefit.


PATHWAYS GRANT link was shared with all directors prior to the meeting, after enquiries were made regarding a possible application being made by CCDC from SD, Scott Ferris of IoCTA and a member of the public.


JW explained that one of the funds available was for community pathways – max. £1500 but a NOI must be submitted then an invite to submit an application follows and this must all be submitted by 8th July and also, permission from the landowner would be required.


It was agreed by the Board that JW would endeavour to make an application for improvement to pathways leading down to Sheriff’s Port and Fintry, once permission from landowners was sort, but that time was very tight.


JW made the Board aware of other funding opportunities and shared links with the Board for them to consider, including the larger Smarter Choices, Smarter Places fund with applications for funding between £5k - £50k but JW explained that her understanding of this fund was that is focused on changing people’s everyday travel behaviour.




There being no further business the meeting closed at 9pm.


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...working for and with the people of the Island of Great Cumbrae

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