Board minutes – 17th August 2015
1. Present – Stephen Dobbin, Davy Stevenson, Alan Hill, Fergus Boyle, Graeme Schreiber, Bob Campbell, Christine McCulloch, Kelly Norton and Michael Bertram.
2. Apologies – David Hepburn.
3. Agenda confirmed
Minutes of last meeting
Matter arising
Financial report
CEO report
Minutes of last meeting
Proposed – Fergus Boyle.
Seconded – Davy Stevenson.
4. Matters arising
4.1 The Chairperson (Stephen Dobbin) advised the Board that Mr. Stephen White would remain as Company Secretary; and would attend the September board meeting to discuss the company structure going forward.
4.2 CEO advised the Board of Directors that he had received two inquiries to join the main Board.
The Chairperson advised that we should hold off appointing any directors until the Company Secretary and the CEO had outlined their plans for the future strategic and operational roles that the board and its subsidiaries would need to perform.
Director Alan Hill asked to leave the meeting at 5.30pm to attend another meeting; the Chairperson approved the request.
5. Finances – Chairperson produced monthly account sheets and these were discussed and agreed upon.
Resolution: It was agreed to adopt the July 2015 financials.
6. CEO Report
The CEO that he had listed the items for discussion, and if there were no objections then he proceed to the first issue for discussion.
The Chairperson advised the CEO to proceed with the items which he required discussion in the CEO’s report.
6.1 Private sector developments
CEO stated that he had several inquiries from Board Directors regarding the media reports on future development within the island, and CCDC’s role within these projects.
CEO advised that he has had several meetings with the Board of Complete Solutions (FM) Ltd; as well as discussions with North Ayrshire Council regarding these proposals. These projects have excellent potential, initial feedback from North Ayrshire Council is ‘positive’ and we will provide every support, where possible, to the Complete Solutions.
Discussion took place around the future proposals.
CEO advised that Mr. Neil Gallacher had offered to come and brief the Board and this would provide the Directors ample opportunity to ask any questions they still had regarding the projects.
The general feeling was that this would be a good opportunity to learn more about the viability of these projects.
CEO advised that he has leased the West Lodge to Complete Solutions on a temporary basis.
Discussion took place around the future use of the West Lodge. The general feeling was that this was a good use of the Lodge.
6.2 Millport Economic Reservation Action Plan (MERAP).
CEO advised the Board that North Ayrshire Council had employed Doug Wheeler and Associates to develop an economic development plan for the island.
CEO advised that he been invited to workshop by North Ayrshire Council (Ms Karen Yeomans) and Mr. Doug Wheeler 28th August.
CEO stated that it is anticipated that this will be the unveiling of the final plan; where will have four or five key catalytic proposal for the uplift of the local economy.
Discussion took place around the future plans for the island and CCDC’s role.
CEO stated that he had requested a copy of the final plan; and if received before the meeting then he will forward a copy to all the directors.
CEO advised that in addition North Ayrshire Council (NAC) has confirmed that:
NAC has agreed to assist in the development of an overarching “Estates Management Plan” for Garrison House and its Grounds;
NAC has also accepted the need for the Garrison Stables building to be improved even though it was rejected by the THI committee;
NAC will consider a CPO for the Garrison Stables and a ‘back-to-back’ transfer of this asset to CCDC.
Discussion took place around the future plans for the Garrison Stables; Graeme Schreiber explained that ‘The Taste of Cumbrae’ operation were still interested in obtaining the stables to build a micro-brewery and they had written to the owner with a view to possibly leasing the building, without a reply.
6.3 Millport Model Railway Club (MMRC).
CEO advised that Director Bob Campbell and he had met with Mr. John Burtt (MMRC Treasurer) again regarding payments and installation of system including possibility of a coin operation.
Discussion took place around the future plans for the Model Railway.
The Chairperson advised that he spoke to ‘Extra Energy’ to transfer our account from Scottish Power and it would appear that this has been accepted.
The Chairperson further advised that ‘Citrus Energy’ was a Social Enterprise whose role was to advise community associations etc; on how to access the best rates and that MMRC had approached them to secure a contract.
Citrus Energy has tried to get a contract on behalf of MMRC with Scottish Hydro, but could not as CCDC had already secured a 12-month contract with Extra Energy.
Discussion took place around the bills already incurred by the Model Railway.
CEO advised further that John Burtt had stated that they could only pay £169-00 towards their bills.
CEO added that he would report this situation back to the Board as and when this invoice was paid.
6.4 Millport Sailing project
CEO advised the Board that at the last board meeting it was agreed CCDC would partner with North Ayrshire Council (NAC) on this project, and that Director Bob Campbell and the CEO would manage the project processes.
Discussion took place around the future plans for the moorings.
Bob Campbell advised the Board that he had met again with Arran Moorings and NAC regarding the future constitution for the Millport Association.
CEO advised further that we had now formed a committee but that we had not formalised the name yet.
CEO added that the proposed positioning of the new moorings would go before the Clyde Moorings Association on the 12th of September (they have jurisdiction over all movements along the Clyde).
Discussion took place around the positioning and surveying of the moorings.
CEO advised further that council had employed Wallace Stone Consulting Surveyors to conduct bathymetric surveys of the sea bed; and these had been submitted and approved by Crown Estates.
Bob Campbell advised the Board that Crown Estates had also been present at the CCDC public meetings and advised interested and affected parties of the protocols for these new moorings.
Further discussion took place around the roles of Crown Estates and Clyde Moorings Association.
CEO advised that at present we could only deal with the proposed moorings and the old council moorings. He added that the new mooring committee could possibly grow into deal with wider issues around the harbour and the pier, but currently the only mandate we had was to deal with the moorings.
Resolution: It was agreed that Bob Campbell and the CEO continue to represent the Board in all matters relative to this project.
CEO advised that at he had only just received a temporary lease from North Ayrshire Council (NAC) to take over the old weighbridge station.
Bob Campbell advised the Board that he would, with their approvals deal with the fitting out and making good of the building.
Discussion took place around the condition of the building and what costs CCDC would incur.
CEO advised at this stage the lease would be covering insurance, but council would bill back this charge, as well as rates and utilities.
Resolution: It was agreed to that Bob Campbell was authorised to sign the lease agreement on behalf of CCDC with North Ayrshire.
6.5 Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS)
CEO advised the Board of Directors that CCDC and North Ayrshire Council (NAC) are partnering on this scheme.
CEO further outlined (as reported in previous CEO reports) the program will commence early 2016 and we hope to receive further information on the break-down of the grants and the implementation of CARS scheme at workshop with North Ayrshire Council on 28th August 2015.
Discussion took place around the condition of the buildings and what costs, if any CCDC would incur.
CEO advised the Board of Directors that CCDC would incur no costs on this project.
6.6 West Lodge – update.
CEO advised that he has agreed a temporary lease with Complete Solutions.
6.7 Garrison House
CEO advised the Board of Directors that CCDC had applied to Kelburn Wind Farm for funding (for £3,000.00) to assist GHCL to remove rubble and debris; and to beautify the area adjacent to the community gardens.
CEO added that unfortunately we received only £2,000.00 towards the project; and continued to state that GHCL had identified the possibility of managing this project with ‘The Initiative’; who are still willing to partner on this project.
Discussion took place around the project start date.
CEO advised that Complete Solutions (FM) Ltd would commence the project on 19th August 2015; and took the Board of Directors through the project planning which would be in three (3) stages to minimise down-time and take in account the upcoming festivals.
Discussion took place around the Health and Safety of the project.
CEO advised that Complete Solutions would have the full program to him by the 18th August 2015; and once received, the CEO would forward on the exact details of where and when sections would be cordon off for safety reasons.
6.8 Garrison House café
CEO advised that the cafe was operating well, and we currently (for the first four months) were trading up 16% no issues to report back on at this stage. Unseasonal weather and CalMac disruption in general have however affected sales in the MHAL apartments were we are reporting turnover down 4% overall.
Discussion took place around the turnover of the apartments, and whether we would expect the situation to improve.
CEO advised that we were looking good for the forthcoming month.
6.9 Community Pharmacy
CEO advised that the questionnaire period would close on Wednesday, 16th September 2015.
6.10. Festivals and Events
CEO advised that Director Mr. Bob Campbell and he had met with the Festival Committee regarding the use of the ground and marquee for Country and Western weekend. We issued ‘rules’ to the committee for their marshals to handout to campers.
Discussion took place around the likely disruption, if any, that would be taking place with the earth moving going on at the same time.
CEO advised that the area would be cordoned off, and we would try to minimise movements and disruption to the grass during the festival periods.
6. 11. Health and Safety
CEO advised that there were no issues to report.
CEO advised the Chairperson that CCDC were now a member of the development Trust Association (DTAs) and that he would be attending their AGM on the 31st August 2015.
CEO further stated that it was clear that CCDC could benefit from a member of the Board being nominated an elected onto the 2015/6 DTA Committee.
Discussion took place around the roles and time commitments this committee would take from a CCDC Board Director.
CEO advised the Board on the potential of the role and possible benefits, but agreed with the Board that there would be a great deal of travelling to meetings throughout Scotland.
Resolution: that Mr Bob Campbell would attend the AGM with the CEO and would have the approval of the full Board to be nominated to join the DTA board and if elected join their committee.
8. DONM – 14th September 2015.