Board minutes – 23 February 2015
1/. Present – Stephen Dobbin, Stephen White, Bob Campbell, Christine McCulloch, Kelly Norton, Alan Hill, June Allison, Graeme Schreiber, David Hepburn and Michael Bertram.
2/. Apologies – Fergus Boyle,
3/. Agenda confirmed -
Minutes of last meeting
Matter arising
Financial report
CEO report
3/. Minutes of last meeting.
Proposed – Kelly Norton and seconded by Stephen White.
4. Matters arising
4.1 Chairperson advised the Board that he invited Mr David Hepburn and Mr David Stevenson to join the company. The resolution was accepted unanimously by the Board of Directors.
Resolution: It was agreed to appoint both David Hepburn and David Stevenson to the board.
4.2 Graeme Schreiber asked that the minutes reflect the correct spelling of his name. CEO advised that he would amend the minutes accordingly and apologised to Mr. Schreiber for the error.
5. Finances – Stephen Dobbin produced account sheets and these were discussed and agreed upon.
Resolution: It was agreed to adopt the January 2015 financials.
6. CEO Report – CEO outlined that the Chairperson had suggested that to ensure robust discussion that we only report quarterly on the subsidiary companies, and that this month it would be GHCL.
Resolution: It was agreed to discuss each of the subsidiary companies on a quarterly rotational basis.
6.1 North Ayrshire Council issues
6.1.1 Toilet signage – CEO advised that I had been trying since early November (2014) through Mr. Russell McCutcheon (Head of Commercial Services) to get the appropriate officers to assist CCDC to erect new signage at the West Bay toilets and also improved signage at Clifton Street.
CEO added that he had meet with Dianna Whyte (External Funding Officer,
Development and Environment) who had kindly agreed to assist CCDC with all related NAC matters. AH advised that he would see what he could do within NAC to move this item along.
CEO would report back at the next meeting on any progress.
6.1.2 Moorings – CEO advised that Director Bob Campbell and the CEO had met again Dianna Whyte, and informed that Millport could now get as many as 18 new moorings.
6.1.3 Bio-Mass – CEO advised that we were now in position to apply for funding to Resource Efficient Scotland (RES). CEO added that we were just awaiting RES getting their next round of funds to source our own loan application.
6.1.4. CARS Scheme – CEO advised that he had been advised that the final decisions on this grant was pending and that it was “not for discussion at this stage”.
6.2 MHAL – CEO advised that the MHAL board had committee to major maintenance and repairs to the flats (where needed) and that directors would see a major improvement by Easter 2105.
6.3 Meeting with the Initiative - discussion took place on how we could mutually work together with the ‘Initiative’. CEO was advised that he should ensure that we meet again with them to finalise the MoU.
7. AOCB – Discussion took place around membership. Directors believed that we could only accept members into the company if they were good standing citizens and had to adhere to promoting goodwill in the community.
8. DONM – 23rd March 2015.