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Board minutes – February 2020



Meeting Chaired by Deborah Ferris
Also present: David Stevenson, David Williamson, Doug Laidlaw, Rena McIntyre and Stephen Dobbin
Apologies: N/A
Minutes of meeting held 21.1.20 approved by: Deborah Ferris and seconded by: Doug Laidlaw
Meeting commenced at 4pm

General discussion took place between those present in relation to our Open Meeting to be held on
Sunday, 1st March 2020. Points of discussion included main point/matters to be raised, including
director numbers, membership numbers etc.
JW then continued with other matters to be brought to the attention of the Board.

JW provided the Directors with a copy of the quotes received from Derek Hagan Joinery Services in
relation to planned work to be carried out within the holiday apartments. General discussion took
place, and the provided quotes were given the go-ahead by the Board. They are for the purchase of
a new PVC back door at 8 Quayhead, and over the course of 2020 – if Derek’s workload allows the
replacement and upgrading of all shower rooms in all our 7 apartments, commencing with the
shower room in Jura which will include: new shower cubicle (with larger shower tray), wash-hand
basin, toilet, wall panels, plastic ceiling, and spotlights.
JW suggested that a couple of the toilets and wash hand basins which are removed should be kept
for spares in case of future breakages.
For the start of the season, those shower rooms not yet upgraded will have new sealer put around
their trays until such time as the cubicles are replaced.
DF commented that it was noted on a visit to the apartments previously that the shower in Eileans
required replacing. – JW to discuss with Derek.


JW brought the Board up to date with her discussions with Kathleen Dow (NAC) re. the moorings.
Kathleen has confirmed that the moorings will be in place, weather permitting, by the Monday
before the Easter Holiday period. She also confirmed that the moorings will have been serviced and
any replacement parts fitted, prior to them being laid.
Kathleen also brought to JW’s attention the fact that when the Flood Protection Scheme
commences, the moorings will not be laid over that period. JW asked that she consider discussing
with her team and CCDC, the possibility of them being laid, over that period, off Kames Bay. This
being rather than losing out on visitors over what could potentially be good summers and missing
out on boats visiting in the future, if they get out of the way of ‘stopping off’ at Millport. However,
this would raise a problem with the receiving of donations, which are currently made at the
Weighbridge Office by the Harbour. JW has asked Kathleen to keep her in the loop.


JW made the Board aware that Bob Campbell has requested to see any MMFA minutes held in the
office. JW explained that she had pointed out to BC that all minutes went to every committee
member once they had been approved by Michael and himself. It was agreed that the MMFA file
would be made available to BC to view within our Garrison House office. If, he was unable to locate
those issued to both himself and the other MMFA committee members. BC also requested that
annual spreadsheets detailing Moorings related income & expenditure, during the time he was
involved with the moorings, were made available to all MMFA committee members. JW was
instructed to advise BC that if anyone from said committee wished to see the paperwork then they
should request this, in writing, to the Board, and it will be considered.
MCMF 2020
JW provided the Board with the figures which the Garrison House Board proposed, in relation to the
2 options being considered for MCMF 2020 by Gavin and Christine Chittick. Discussion between the
Garrison House Board and Gavin & Christine took place on 20.2.20.
General discussion took place and the only adjustment made to the proposals, drawn up by the
Garrison House Board, was that electricity costs would be added after the event. JW to provide this
information to Mr & Mrs Chittick.


JW provided the Board with pictures of the area used annually for a Motorhome Meet. The point
she raised was if this area of the grounds is to be used more frequently, was the land going to be
able to cope with that and 2 points for further discussion to be:
1. Policing of the site in the evening and weekends, if/when required
2. Taking of fees for use of the land by motorhome users
The Board agreed this matter required further discussion.

DONM – Open Meeting 1.3.20


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...working for and with the people of the Island of Great Cumbrae

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