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Board minutes – 14th September 2015


1. Present – Stephen Dobbin, Davy Stevenson, Alan Hill, David Hepburn, Graeme Schreiber, Bob Campbell, Christine McCulloch, Kelly Norton and Michael Bertram.


2. Apologies – Fergus Boyle.


3. Agenda confirmed   

  • Present

  • Apologies

  • Minutes of last meeting

  • Matter arising

  • Financial report

  • CEO report

  • AOCB

  • DONM


Minutes of last meeting

Proposed - Graeme Schreiber.

Seconded – Davy Stevenson.


4. Matters arising

4.1 The Chairperson (Stephen Dobbin) advised the Board that we needed to schedule the 2016 AGM; and that the CEO would arrange a suitable date with everyone’s diaries for mid November 2016. 

4.2 Director Alan Hill asked to leave the meeting at 6.30pm to attend another meeting; the Chairperson approved the request.


5. Finances – Chairperson produced monthly account sheets and these were discussed and agreed upon.

Resolution: It was agreed to adopt the August 2015 financials.


6. CEO Report  

The CEO stated that he had listed the items which needed the Board’s inputs under “discussion”, and if there were no objections then he proceed to these items.   

The Chairperson advised the CEO to proceed with the items which required discussion in the CEO’s report.

6.1 Millport Economic Regeneration Action Plan (MERAP).

CEO advised the Board that we had met again with Doug Wheeler (from Doug Wheeler and Associates) to develop an economic development plan for the island (workshop held 31st August 2015). 

Discussion took place around the future economic proposals; which are centred on the four key themes (highlighted in the July board meeting).  

  • Economic infrastructure

  • Visitor economy

  • Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS)

  • Community enterprise – the third sector.


CEO further advised the Board that North Ayrshire Council wanted to form a ‘project steering committee’ to continue the work towards finalising a robust plan for the island. This work would last up to nine months, and it is needing a chairperson to drive the process forward.


Discussion took place around the future plans for the island and CCDC’s role.

CEO advised that in addition, North Ayrshire Council (NAC) has confirmed that:

  • NAC has agreed to assist in the development of an overarching “Estates Management Plan” for Garrison House and its Grounds 

  • NAC has also accepted the need for the Garrison Stables building to be improved even though it was rejected by the THI committee 

  • NAC will consider a CPO for the Garrison Stables and a ‘back-to-back’ transfer of this asset to CCDC.


Discussion took place around the future plans for the Garrison Stables; Director Graeme Schreiber explained that ‘The Taste of Cumbrae’ operation were still interested in obtaining the Stables to build a micro-brewery and other associated products. 


CEO advised that in addition,


Discussion took place around the future plans for the


CEO acknowledged these concerns, but advised that no funding was available to remove asbestos so we needed to package a ‘project’ which could include the removal as part of the overall re-building of the clinic.


Discussion took place around the future plans; which if successful, could convert this building into a shower & toilet block for use of visiting yachts people and campers.


The Chairperson raised his concerns that we should not lose the old gents toilet block; and we should also focus on restoring this and adding to the block.


CEO acknowledged these concerns and advised that he had already started discussions with


CEO added that he had also been informed by Director Davy Stevenson that this toilet block had ‘heritage value’ as it was used as a bomb raid shelter during the war.


Discussion took place around the future of this block, and it was agreed that it was sufficiently large to accommodate ladies as well as gents.


Resolution: CEO to approach North Ayrshire Council about the general poor state of both ladies and gents toilets adjacent to Clifton Street, and to work towards a complete overhaul of the current gents toilet block within the Garrison Grounds.   

6.2 Millport Sailing project

CEO advised the Board that the proposed positioning of the new moorings would go before the Clyde Moorings Association on the 12th of September; as they have jurisdiction over all movements along the Clyde. 

Director Bob Campbell advised the Board that he would, with their approvals deal with the fitting out and making good of the old weigh bridge station building (now that we have secured a three-year lease over the premises).

Discussion took place around the condition of the building and what costs CCDC would incur.

Resolution: It was agreed that Director Bob Campbell was authorised to continue with the work on the weighbridge.

6.3 Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS)

CEO advised the Board of Directors that North Ayrshire Council (NAC) have confirmed that they will be appointing a full time project manager for this project.

CEO further outlined that when we receive further information on the break-down of the grants and the implementation of CARS scheme; he will inform the Board of Directors.             

6.4 Garrison House ground works

  CEO reminded the Board of Directors that CCDC had successfully applied to Kelburn Wind Farm for funding to assist GHCL to remove rubble and debris; and to beautify the area adjacent to the community gardens.

CEO added that Director Davy Stevenson has worked with the contractors to ensure that we get ‘value for money’. 

CEO further added that he had written back to the Kelburn Wind Farm fund and thanked them for their grant and provided them with an outline of the works undertaken with accompanying photos.

This work is also listed on the Garrison House news section for members; and is also on facebook.

CEO further added that he had met with David Carnduff (Editor: Largs and Millport Weekly News) and advised him (and Calum Corral) on the ground works project.

Discussion took place around the condition of the grounds works.

General feedback was extremely positive of the changes effected, thus far.

Director Davy Stevenson added that he had discussed with the CEO for a need to have a long term vision (5-years) of what type of planting we needed for the grounds. He added that we needed to create interest within the grounds and encourage visitors to walk the grounds. 

Chairperson advised that these matters should be raised at the Garrison House meeting.

6.5 Community Pharmacy

CEO advised that the questionnaire period would close on Wednesday 16th September 2015.   

Discussion took place around the processes, and CEO advised that as Director June Allison has accompanied the CEO with the negotiations, it would be advisable if we appointed an alternative director to serve on the project.  

Resolution: It was agreed to that Christine MacCulloch was authorised to continue with the work on the NHS Pharmacy.

CEO advised further that he had been approached by Ms. Carolyn Dickson; Assistant Primary Care Manager NHS - Pharmacy & Optometry department to meet to discuss the findings of the research (week commencing 28th September).  

6.6 Festivals and Events

CEO advised that we had mixed reactions to this years festivals. It was his opinion that Country and Western weekend had improved massively and was much better organised, whereas the Scooter Rally was poorly organised and numbers seem down on previous years. 


Director Mr. Bob Campbell added that he and the CEO had met with the Scooter Festival organisers regarding the use of the grounds and marquee but they did not have the manpower to control visitors.


Director Mr. Bob Campbell further added that we had several visitors who simply refused to move even though we had informed them that we needed to keep access points open for Fire Bridge and our sitting tenants (Aged Concern etc).


Discussion took place around the likely disruption, if any, that would be taking place with the earth moving going on at the same time. The contractors cordoned off the area, and we managed to minimise movements and disruption to the grass during the festival periods.


6. 7 Health and Safety 

CEO advised that there were no issues to report.


7. AOCB 

Director Davy Stevenson asked if he could work with John Thomson to take on the lily pond and clean out the pond over the winter period. 

Resolution: It was agreed that Davy Stevenson would be authorised to work on sunken gardens ponds.

Director Davy Stevenson also asked if he could have permission to put up a plaque to commemorate work Christine and Conway MacCulloch did to resurrect the lily ponds.

Christine MacCulloch added that Director Davy Stevenson also worked tirelessly on this project, and that his contribution should also be introduced in the narrative on the plaque.

Resolution: It was agreed that Davy Stevenson could install a plaque to commemorate the work on sunken gardens lily ponds.


8. DONM – 20th October 2015.  



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...working for and with the people of the Island of Great Cumbrae

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