Minutes of Committee Meeting
Present: Jan Wilkie JW, Deborah Ferris DF, David Stevenson DS, Jensen Newton JN, Thomas Stevenson TSLS, Steven Dobbin SD
Apologies: David Williamson DW, Andrew Joyce AJ, Doug Laidlaw DL
Minutes by TSLS
Minutes of last meeting
West Lodge
Public Toilets
Motorhome Site
Garrison House
Garrison Grounds
Minutes of last meeting approved by DS, seconded by JN.
The Board were updated on the tenants in the West Lodge as well as potential new tenant. There was also discussion regarding storage for various items, as well as repairs to the Lodge and an update to the electricity contract for the coming year.
The Board discussed meeting with Fintry Bay owners regarding funding.
There was also discussion regarding the offer from CalMac to absorb the cost of a bowser being brought onto the island. It was decided that, as one has not been needed since the tanks were improved at Cumbrae Slip and Fintry, a bowser would be of no advantage towards running costs and therefore not required.
The Board discussed various sundry equipment at Cumbrae Slip which may require repair and/or replacement.
Discussion of the installation of security cameras observing doors of public toilets to discourage breaking and entering continued.
The Board discussed purpose-built toilets and showers for the motorhome site.
There was much discussion on what to accommodate these amenities inside, as well as power requirements, water supplies, and costs related, as well as the potential need for more space.
The Board were happy to approve changes to the Terms & Conditions relating to awnings and barbeques.
Board voted on allowing non-patrons to dispose of their waste in exchange for an optional donation.
As this would mean increased vehicle movement within the grounds out with the structured times in place and it would perhaps encourage motorhome users to park on the shore road, rather than coming onto our site, if the disposal of waste and freshwater facilities were available to them, the Board decided against this option.
The Board discussed the erecting of “no overnight parking signs” being put up to dissuade people parking for the night without paying.
The Board discussed the purchase of various pieces of equipment for the housekeeping staff at the holiday apartments and agreed upon a rotation for out-of-hours contact.
JW updated Board on the latest visit by ZM along with their experts in relation to a more detailed assessment of the building based on the Arch 1 report received.
They were also updated regarding a pending grant application and a new application submitted to Kelburn Wind Farm.
The Board discussed lighting up the Garrison in red-white-blue colours for the Platinum Jubilee.
There was further discussion of the grant attained for Jubilee purposes as well as the celebrations themselves.
The Board were happy to absorb certain costs into CCDC.
It was asked whether the CCDC should apply for an Alcohol license to potentially serve alcohol at events.
Board found it at too short notice regarding upcoming June bookings and not relevant to the majority of CCDC operated events.
Nay from all.
JW reminded the Board about the enquiry regarding an LGBT Pride event.
The Board were happy to allow the Garrison to host said event.
Reminder about the Marquee being put up and if anyone was available to help out with that.
There was discussion regarding refurbishment of the pond in the grounds. The Board were notified that there would be ongoing work on the pond by the groundskeeping staff.
There was discussion about the storage solutions on the Grounds.
DS felt a new container was essential, as the current container is not watertight and could not be refit without prohibitive expense.
Further discussion arrived at the decision to investigate 2x 30ft containers.
The Board discussed the potential idea of charging rent for storage space.
No decision reached, deferred to a later date.
DS to speak to Festival committee regarding purchase of new containers.
There being no further business, meeting closed at 8.40pm