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This strategy - who is it for and what's its purpose?


This strategy was agreed by Board of Directors at the end of 2014 and remains a working document for directors, staff, members, volunteers and partners. It sets out the important areas for development for the Board of CCDC over the next five years.


A detailed business plan to support the Strategy and an annual work plan with corresponding budgets, will be developed early in 2015.The aims of the Board of CCDC for this strategic period.


•    To restore, as far as possible, the Garrison House to the better state than when destroyed by fire,  ensure it is weatherproof; and enjoyed by the community as the epicentre of Millport.


    â€¢    To provide a welcoming, enjoyable and learning experience for an increasingly diverse range and number of visitors; commensurate with that aim, develop first class visitor facilities and access within and around the Garrison House.


•    To develop, implement and maintain a business and funding model that ensures a sustainable future for operations as well as immediate and further capital needs.


•    In conjunction with our partners, continue to develop the Island of Great Cumbrae, to the benefit of all our community.

The Strategy...

Cumbrae Community Development Company logo

...working for and with the people of the Island of Great Cumbrae

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