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In addition to underpining the key performance areas: the following objectives will be critical to achieve all of our goals.

These are: Governance; Visitor Experience and Learning; Conservation, Restoration and Access (capital development); Communications and Fundraising; Business Planning and Finances.

1.    Governance

Aims for the strategic period

To have appointed and retained a fully engaged team of Directors willing and able to deliver the leadership required to deliver this strategy, and its associated plans (operational, capital and supporting services).

To have reviewed and implemented any changes required to the Memorandum and Articles of Association, so as to ensure that the governance of the organisation is fit for purpose.

2.    Operational development

Aims for the strategic period

To have created an operational management structure and staff complement skilled in delivering this strategy and its associated plans. This will include the shift of operational and managerial cover to include all days when the Garrison House is open to the public.

To have retained existing, and recruited new member, and where necessary volunteers, fully equipped to deliver a first-class visitor experience to the full range of audiences visiting Garrison House.

To have delivered all necessary training and development for all people involved in the governance and delivery of first class services at Garrison House.

3.    Visitor experience and learning (Operational and capital development)

Aims for the strategic period

Initially, to review all core interpretative services provided to the public on open days and through events, and then create and implement a comprehensive interpretation/ visitor experience plan for Garrison House.

This to include training and development planning for both capital and operational programmes.

Subsequently, to monitor and keep under constant review, the quality of interpretative services provided to the public.

Initially, to develop and implement an education and learning plan targeting groups visiting the Garrison House. This to include formal education and heritage skills training.

To provide core services to all visitors to Garrison House commensurate with first-class visitor service i.e. welcome/reception; toilets and washrooms; catering (including kitchen); retail opportunities; and any future dedicated training/education facilities.

4.    Conservation, restoration and access (Capital development)

Aims for the strategic period

Initially (2015), to have created a phased master plan for the conservation and restoration of Garrison House and its grounds; to include the improvement of the access to Garrison House itself.

To have fund-raised and be ready to deliver Phase 1- access and welcome improvement, and Garrison House weather-proofing - by end 2015.

To have fund-raised and be ready to deliver Phase 2 - full interpretative and activity associated with Garrison House - by end 2016.

To deliver a fully repaired, conserved and accessible Garrison House by 2017.

5.    Communications, PR, marketing and fundraising

(Support services development)

Aims for the strategic period

Initially, create a comprehensive Communications Plan for the Garrison House to include public relations and marketing activity - subsequently implement the plan.

This plan will require the identification and prioritisation of key audiences, the creation of a suite of key messages and narratives for each audience, and the identification of media and the processes to deliver the communication.

This plan will need to evolve and be reinvented as each phase of development (see Conservation/ Capital above).

Create and implement a fundraising plan that supports both the operational and capital programmes of the organisation.

Initially seek funding for organisational development - a start-up fund - to support the detailed development of this strategy.

6.    Finances and business planning
(Support services development)

Aims for the strategic period

Year one business planning (2015)

1. Carry out a full cost-effectiveness review of current operations to include all commercial and income-generating activities. Alongside this review, discuss and investigate other potential commercial activities (new enterprise). From the review prioritise activity and investment to 2016.

2. Carry out a full appraisal of the 'visitor growth' model that is implicit in the capital development programme above. If this is shown to have potential to fund the operations of CCDC into the future, pursue the model as a priority over all others.

3. Develop business plan 2015 onward based upon results of review and appraisal.


4. Develop and implement robust systems of financial, support services (HR, estates management, health and safety, etc.) and operational control (customer care, bookings, etc.) throughout the organisation.

Michael Bertram



Key Objectives

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...working for and with the people of the Island of Great Cumbrae

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