Cumbrae Community Development Company
Minutes of Board Meeting 24/10/23
Present: Deborah Ferris DF, David Stevenson DS, Dianne Smith DSm, Stephen Dobbin SD, Doug Laidlaw DL, Jensen Newton JN, Jan Wilkie JW, Scott Watson SW, Thomas Stevenson TSLS
Apologies: Dave Williamson DW
Last meeting minutes; JN proposed, DF seconded
CNI report
Strategic Level Work
Community Energy Scotland review of the energy infrastructure and options appraisal continues.
Aquaterra appointed as consultant to conduct remote sensing work for LULUCF sector and creation of carbon capacity calculator for Cumbrae.
Net-Zero Skills Gap analysis report expected in very near future.
Adler & Allan have provided an updated marine habitat suitability study.
Met with Una MacIntosh of Faithful & Gould regarding ‘Pan Ayrshire Energy Masterplan’.
Upcoming meeting with SCCAN on new Ayrshire Climate Hub.
Specific Projects
Millport Bowling Club installation of solar, battery & ASHP almost completed, just snagging left.
Business Energy Scotland will be looking to complete Energy Efficiency audits with business on the island.
Ian Cornforth of NatureScot set to visit Garrison House and Millport Golf Club on 9th November as well as to discuss a community led marine monitoring programme.
NAC Active Travel looking at measures on the island around cycling infrastructure.
Introductory call with new Environmental & Sustainability Officer for CMAL.
Putting together a proposal for Cumbrae Primary School outdoor classroom for enhanced climate change and environmental learning.
Upcoming meeting with Kathleen Dow on proposed Marina development
Other Notes
Attended the CNI Project meeting in Edinburgh last month with ScotGov, CES and other islands. CNI support looks almost certain to continue beyond March 2024.
Presented at the national conference for Community Energy Scotland, with regards efforts on Cumbrae and data analysis.
Next CNI project meeting looks to be hosted by Cumbrae in January 2024. TBC.
SW recommended a process started to appoint an engagement officer as part of the CNI project utilising available resource budget.
DF in favour
DSm also
Board see fit to allow SW to draw up new position.
Marina Development
Kathleen Dow is visiting Cumbrae on 7th November (weather permitting), her agenda being:
- Capital project update
- Update on the Outline Business Case process
- Update on the operator element
- Visitor moorings
Kathleen suggests visiting the harbour site and Graeme Wallace has also been invited to join us representing the Harbour Users’ Group. If any board members wish to attend, they are welcome to.
SW, DSm to attend.
EV Charge Points
Further delay as SSE say that the unit which houses the meter is the wrong size and they will not be putting in a smaller meter which the SSE gentleman onsite had said could happen. Discussions ongoing between contractor who installed the unit etc., and SSE as contactor has paperwork from SSE confirming good to go as is.
Regarding overstay costs, Pure Energy advised that on the system used, people get notifications to their mobile reminding them they are over their time, so it is generally not an issue.
SD asked for clarification on the issue with the housing.
JW explained the depth of the meter meant that the door could not be closed properly without force and it could damage the meter.
Pit Stop Funding & Toilets
JW received an update from Calum Couston (Programme Manager / Regeneration NAC):
Thank you again for your input towards the development of the Island Pit Stops project. Over the course of the community engagement and in discussion with stakeholders we have received feedback which indicates the project can be delivered in a more community-led manner. We are currently working on the processes required to deliver the project, ensuring our communities and visitors are best served by the funding on offer.
We will be in contact next month with an additional update and next steps. We appreciate the urgency in seeking to deliver these improvements to your area and we are working across the Council to ensure prompt delivery.
West Bay closed as of end of this week. Will the Bomb Shelter remain open?
DF yea
JN yeah
DSm yea
DL yea
West Lodge
JW updated the Board on the leases within the West Lodge and there was discussion on some proposed relocations.
The Board also discussed allowing Kay Starr access to the boardroom a few mornings a week in support of her community project.
Business Coordination
Earlier in the year it was discussed bringing businesses together to look at working more collectively in relation to coordinating opening times etc.
Would the Board wish to try and arrange something in the winter times, gauge interest?
DF yes.
DSm yes – give it a shot and see what happens.
JN yes.
DL yes.
DS yes.
LS to action.
Community Larder
JW shared a document with the Board outlining some of the proposed aims of the Larder.
DF questioned why CCDC in particular was being approached with the operating needs of this.
DS expressed his view that this is not a project CCDC can get involved with given our limited applicable resources.
DF agreed. CCDC can muster about four people maximum. We are not the group to go to about large resource & manpower intensive projects.
JN – question on how necessary this is on the island, perhaps it is, but in that case is it something that the community can pull together itself?
JW responded; according to those groups attending the last Island Plan Meeting, it was a matter of some priority.
DF is not aware of any other organisations who are able to run this on their own. CCDC are also not able – we have no staff for anything like this, and it must be long hours of volunteer work which we can’t commit to long term.
DSm put in; perhaps we can offer the space but make entirely clear that we do not have the volunteers or staff
DF completely agree. We can’t do this ourselves any further than providing space. It’s volunteer supply, training, a hundred other things that we physically cannot supply.
DS asked is this funded or are we expected to put this entirely on ourselves, absorbing all costs?
DF JW – In theory it is funded; there is funding available which could possibly be applied for.
DS – not sure what we’re offering will be big enough, or in the right location either.
JW – in our experience with the Heat Hub, there was limited attendance entirely because of the social stigma – this may have the same issue.
DS – Can we contact the Cumbrae Resilience Team?
DF – We could try, but they are largely inactive following Covid and as an emergency resilience team, this is not something they were formed to really take on. They’re short term, as opposed to 12 months of the year.
Board would like JW to bring the “we can offer space but cannot supply staff or training or equipment” statement to the larder project.
Following on from Charles Kelly’s decision to cease handling our CCDC website. JW spoke with Outside Media Group regarding this.
Matters ongoing in relation to MHAL however as we have already paid the initial invoice, JW instructed Greig to put a hold on working on the MHAL website but we have discussed the moving of the Cumbrae Public Toilet site to within the GH website and him taking and improving the CCDC one. The Board were quite alright with that.
CCDC business ended at 19:56