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Board minutes – 18th May 2015


1/. Present – Stephen Dobbin, Stephen White, Bob Campbell, Alan Hill, Christine McCulloch, Kelly Norton, June Allison, David Hepburn, and Michael Bertram.


2/. Apologies – Fergus Boyle, Graeme Schreiber


3/. Agenda confirmed -  

  • Present

  • Apologies

  • Minutes of last meeting

  • Matter arising

  • Financial report

  • CEO report

  • AOCB

  • DONM

3/. Minutes of last meeting.

Proposed – Kelly Norton and seconded by Stephen Dobbin.


4. Matters arising

4.1 Country and Western Festival, the CEO advised the Chairperson that he had met with Margaret Hughes, with Alan Hill present.


Discussion took place around camping, marshalling, additional toilets and general cleaning around the site. 

Resolution: That CEO would meet with the ‘Festivals Committee’ to finalise the event and what Garrison House would be required to deliver on behalf of the event.


4.2 The Stables Building

Chairperson advised the CEO that he had received queries from Board Directors regarding the use and condition of the current stables building.

CEO advised the Board of Directors that he had reported both to the Police and local council environmental health department on both vagrants using the site (again) and that we had reports of rats coming from the building.

Director Bob Campbell advised that this was the case, and that three times council had come to try and find the source of the rats, and that they had also been reported in the DA Hall.

Director Bob Campbell advised, that last year we had five meetings scheduled with the owner, and all these meetings had been arranged to suit their personal diaries, and not one of these meetings were attended by the owner.

CEO advised that he had inquired with council whether the time had come for them to consider a compulsory purchase order (CPO). 

Discussion took place around whether a building could be taken on by council if a mortgage existed over the property.

CEO advised that he had discussed this with council; and it may be necessary to make some restitution.

Resolution: That CEO would continue to make progress with council to include this building into future planning improvements for Garrison House grounds.


4.3 Marquee erection

  Chairperson advised the CEO that the board did not want to see the marquee erected too early in the season and then be left empty and create an ‘eye-sore’.

Discussion took place around the marquee and its use for the community.

Resolution: That CEO would met with Ross Newton and finalise the erection for early June.


4.4 Millport Model Railway Club

Chairperson advised the Board Directors regarding the use of the railway huts, and that it was evident that the existing supplier would never offer MMRC an account based on their prior record and length of time it had taken to conclude the use of energy (by MMRC).

Chairperson advised that repeated attempts to finalise a new ‘in-contract’ rate made it evident that we needed to switch provider, and that the Chair had done so as a matter of urgency.


Resolution: That Chairperson switch of energy supplier from Scottish Power to ‘Extra Energy’ was approved. 

Discussion took place around the continued use of energy under CCDC name by MMRC; and how we ensure that they can make these financial commitments in future.

Resolution: That Chairperson and CEO resolve a payment plan with MMRC. 


5. Finances – Chairperson (Stephen Dobbin) produced monthly account sheets and these were discussed and agreed upon.

Resolution: It was agreed to adopt the April 2015 financials.

Chairperson also advised Directors that this was the start of the new financial year and were there any questions regarding the financials.

Discussion took place around the annual financials, and they were adopted.

Resolution: It was agreed to adopt the 2014/5 annual financials.


6. CEO Report  

6.1 - Community Pharmacy

CEO advised the Board of Directors that the processes to determine whether there is a “need” for new pharmacies had now commenced.

CEO added that this process would take the form of a questionnaire which would be made available for a total of 12 weeks online and through the NHS database of clients on the island, at the medical center, and library, and post office.

Discussion took place around the length of time the process would take in total.

CEO advised that after the questionnaire process would take 90-days to complete, then it would be discussed and evaluated locally by NHS Pharmaceutical Board, and we could expect a decision within 4 weeks.

If however, there was an appeal, this must be registered within 21 working days.  

Further discussion took place around the appeal process.

CEO advised that after this point it would cease to be an issue for the Ayrshire and Arran board, and then be handed over to the Scottish Pharmaceutical Board. This board would have another three months in which to make a final decision.  

Discussion took place around the possible starting date if CCDC were successful.

CEO added that in reality, we would be looking at Easter 2016 before we could effectively open a full operational community pharmacy. 

Recommendation: that the CEO continue to engage with the NHS; and report to the full Board at the next board meeting.


6.2 - Millport Holiday Apartments.


Stephen Dobbin advised that we could only briefly discuss MHAL activities.


CEO asked the Directors to note that the refurbishment of the exterior of the ‘8 Quayhead’ was well under way and that weather permitting, we should have the rear of the premises completed by end of May 2015. 


CEO advised that all of the units have been revamped internally, and forward bookings for the summer season are looking very strong and we also have many inquiries coming in online.


CEO added that in the website re-development was now complete; and he added that we were promoting ‘short-break’ packages on the website.


6.3 - Strategic Planning Workshop with North Ayrshire Council.


CEO advised that all Directors had been invited to the “Economic Development Day” which was designed to build on the strategic planning from the 2010 Jura Report; and to focus on 4/5 key projects for the Island. 


Discussion took place around the need for a well-constructed plan for the island. 


Further discussion took place and it was agreed that the following would be the focus for our discussions with council:-


  • The need to service the growing needs of both commercial and leisure marine activities and experiences;

  • The need to harness the Green Island initiatives – and build on the fitness leisure aspects of island life;

  • The need to attract commercial operators to the island to use our own Centre and build on the call centre market need for the future;    

  • We need to develop an “estates management plan” for Garrison House and create a Town Centre (epic-centre) to use of existing and new buildings in the grounds.

Resolution: It was agreed that the CEO continue to work with council to formulate and develop an Economic Strategy.


6.4- Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS)

CEO advised that North Ayrshire Council (NAC) is continuing to work with CCDC on the regeneration plan.


CEO will provide feedback electronically to the Board of Directors, as and when, we have new information to share.

For noting only.


6.5 - New berthing buoys for Millport sailing community

CEO advised that CCDC have now been offered 18 new moorings from North Ayrshire Council (NAC) and that council were also willing to give CCDC control of the council’s moorings which were installed each year into Millport.


Director Bob Campbell advised he and the CEO had met with council and Arian Harbour Association, and council had requested that CCDC also developed a similar association for Millport.


Discussion took place around the need for Harbour Association, and where this association could meet and what their needs might be in the future.

Resolution: It was agreed that the Director Bob Campbell would continue to work with council to formulate and develop a ‘Harbour Association’.

Further discussion took place regarding off-shore activities and the need for a decent walk-aboard facility. 


Director Bob Campbell advised that if council could arrange to dredge the harbour it would provide more space for tying up in summer and also somewhere we could store the new moorings in winter.


Resolution: It was agreed that the CEO would write to council and ask if they could arrange for the old harbour to be dredged.   

Director Bob Campbell also advised Arran have a good system in place whereby visitors are given leaflets about the island from their tourism association, and that we could do the same.


Director Bob Campbell added that we could also collect their rubbish, offer water if and when needed, and that they could also use the facilities at West Bay toilets. He added that we could charge for this service and this money could pay for seasonal staff to be employed.  


Discussion took place around who could do this work and whether training could be provided.


CEO added that this is where council could be of a great assistance, and they were keen for CCDC to take on this task as it would create jobs during the summer.  


Further discussion took place regarding the old ‘weighbridge’ building, and whether this could be used to develop a temporary harbour office.


Resolution: It was agreed that the CEO would write to council and express an interest in the old ‘weighbridge’ building for possible use as a harbour master office.  


6.6 - Festivals and Events


CEO advised that GCHL had been approached to assist a new event for a disabled charity called “Finding your Feet” in developing an annual event for people who have lost limbs and for their families seeking on-going support from their charity.


The event will take place within the Garrison and grounds on the 31st of May 2015. 


For noting only.


Discussion took place around the need for the organizers to get better coordination and inform CCDC of their needs in advance; and not assume that these dates would always be available. 


CEO also stated that he has written to the Festival Committee regarding the use of the ground and marquee for Country and Western weekend. To date we still await their reply. 


Resolution: It was agreed that the CEO continue to work with the Festival Committee on their needs within the grounds.


6.7 - Health and Safety 


CEO stated that there were no issues to report.


For noting only.

7. AOCB – Discussion took place around parking in the Garrison House and the need for users to park in places that they could safely use.

Further discussion took place vehicles using the grounds for a short-cut and how we planned to put a check on this type of activity. 

CEO advised that we planned to install metal collapsible bollards and it was also discussed that we must mark with florescent tape, as we could get motorists using at night and not seeing the bollards (and damaging their cars).  

Director Bob Campbell advised that they came as standard with reflective strips, and that we would endeavor to get them installed in the next mouth.

CEO advised that we had more new bench to install and that works would be concluded as soon as practicable within the Garrison Grounds.


8. DONM – 15th June 2015.




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